Wednesday 3 October 2012

Geometric Theory

Geometic Theory and Cartesian Coordinates
Who?A french phliosopher and mathematician, Rene Descartes created/invented the system of plotting space called the 'Cartesian Coordinates'. Rene is also famous for his statement 'I thunk therefore I am' this statement is what got him known in the first place. This quote means that you think for yourself therefore you are who are. He came up with this statement by stripping thoughts from his mind whilst meditating. He thought therefore he was aliveWhy?He created Cartesian Coordinates system so that the x amd y axis will help to plot coordinates therefore helping you to be able to plot results onto a grid. Axis are used to pinpoint where you are on a map or graph. He invented a system to help plot space and to generate an x/y axis.
The x axis is for horizontal and the y axis is for vertical.

Where the axis overlap it is called an origin. For example (0,0) would be a good way of showing the origin.

The Third Dimention
In the third dimention there is another axis included which is the z axis, this is the third axis. The importance of this axis is for depth.
The order of the axis is x,y,z.

In total there are 4 viewports that are used, they are:
Top viewport - xy
Front viewport - yz
Left viewport - zy
Perspective viewport - xyz

The purpose of the viewports in 3DS Max is that you can view the creation at different angles.
An orthographic view is 2 axis and a perspective view is all 3 axis

Basic piece of geometry

I used 3DS Max to create this geometric sphere above. To get to this stage I clicked onto the command panel, which is the panel located on the right side, and then clicked onto create tab. Which is shown below.

The printscreen above is showing the command panel which can do various things. The first tab is the create button. I then clicked onto standard primitives then geometric sphere.  I then clicked onto the space and it then created my sphere for me.
This here is the tab for create and modify.

Basic Parimative

Here I have done the same as above but with a box. This time I changed the dimention to 50,50,50 and the segments 3,3,3. You can see this in the red box. When I had done this I changed the name of the box to 'Purple Box'. I did this by clicking onto the tab which said box001. I also changed the colour to purple by clicking onto the coloured box.

In this shot I am showing how to change an object into a editable poly. To do this you need to right click onto the shape and go to the bottom to 'convert to' then click onto 'editable poly.
In this screen shot I am showing that there is a difference in properties when you change the object to editable poly. When you click onto your shape when you have converted it to this, this is what it should look like. Once you have converted an object to a editable poly, you are limited to what you can do with it. You will only have five tabs to mess around with.

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